Extend furlough and sick pay for those protecting loves ones

Frightened workers self-isolating to protect vulnerable loved ones shouldn’t be punished says UNISON in a letter to the Health Secretary

Supporting each other, laughing and sometimes, crying together

Pictured L-R: UNISON steward Toni Parker, Branch Secretary Debbie Miles, with members of the switchboard team at East Surrey Hospital The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted all the work that the frontline staff of the NHS and other key workers undertake. But if it wasn’t for the efforts and dedication of ‘behind the scenes’ departments such as […]

There for You launches COVID-19 response fund

New fund will help members facing particular need because of the pandemic

Elderly and vulnerable people still at risk from poor advice from some care homes

Clear guidance must be rigorously applied

COVID-19: Black and female workers – more impacted than the rest

Anyone can be infected by COVID-19. But it’s increasingly clear that that’s where the equality ends

“You are doing so much to protect us, we have to protect you” – UNISON’s May Day message

On International Worker’s Day 2020, UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis has issued a message to all UNISON members and activists.

Surrey County UNISON pay tribute to Sandra Ayliffe

Tribute from Paul Couchman, Branch Secretary of Surrey County UNISON We found out last week that our friend and comrade, Sandra Ayliffe, has died from the Coronavirus. This was Sandra (third from left) protesting about 15 years ago, with colleagues and residents, against the closure of The Summers care home where she worked. Sandra was […]

Isle of Wight volunteers make scrubs for NHS and care homes

The Isle of Wight Local Government Branch are so proud of our Assistant Branch Secretary, Barbara Milton, who is currently going the extra mile on the Island to ensure there are enough scrubs for the NHS and local care homes.  Barbara was keen to help out, recognising that our key workers and carers are putting […]

Milton Keynes Council criticised for risking the health of its vulnerable staff

Council staff in Milton Keynes with underlying health conditions or with family members in vulnerable groups – who’ve previously been off at home – are being ordered back to work, in a move criticised today (Thursday) by UNISON.  UNISON says social workers, care staff, library staff, environmental health officers, school support staff and other council […]

Enhanced support for family and friends of deceased UNISON members

Temporary change to death benefit for UNISON members announced

Care home deaths in South East of England triple inside a week

New Office of National Statistics (ONS) data highlights huge acceleration in number of deaths in the South East

Remembering together – whilst staying safely apart

UNISON is used to organising events that bring people together. But when Covid-19 means we need to show support for each other by keeping our distance, then the way that we bring people together looks very different. On Tuesday 28 April, our union was one of those that called for a minute’s silence in memory of […]

“If we can pull together, I believe we can come through this troubled time”

Jenny Ford, Branch Secretary at Portsmouth Health, has seen rapid changes in the hospitals in Solent NHS Trust. As Facilities manager for St James’ Hospital (a mental health hospital) and St Mary’s (a community hospital), Jenny divides her time between the two sites. Jenny spoke to us about the challenges her team have faced responding […]

Covid-19 is the worst crisis in generations, but it is showing us the very best in humanity

First of all, I hope you, your families, your colleagues and your friends are all staying safe and keeping well.   This week I have been speaking to branch secretaries across the South East, starting with our health branches, to make sure that we, as a region, offer the best support and assistance during this time. The stories I have heard from the frontlines of the Covid-19 crisis have been truly harrowing.   I have heard of large–scale redeployments, with many activists now working […]

“It’s all a learning curve at the moment, but the council have been amazing”

Eastleigh UNISON are so proud of their members actions during this difficult time. Many staff working for Eastleigh Borough Council have been redeployed and are now undertaking different roles in order to support areas that are under pressure due to the current pandemic. Branch Secretary Karen Springham would especially like to thank staff for their […]