Multi-Academy Trust Schools Slammed by MP’s

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has issued a damning report on the issue of Multi-Academy Trust schools (MATs). The report – produced by a cross section of MPs – is highly critical of the MATs model, particularly in regard to the ‘unjustifiably high salaries’ of many senior staff. More than 100 trustees currently earn salaries […]

Your School In Focus: Wallace Fields Infant

The first school featured in our new column is Wallace Fields Infant School in Ewell, Surrey

Southampton City Council Commits to UNISON Care Charter

The council’s Labour team pledge to sign UNISON’s Ethical and residential care charters on May 7th Announcement made in Labour’s manifesto pledges for upcoming election Council will be first in country to sign up to Residential Care Charter   Southampton City Council will join local authorities nationwide in signing up to UNISON’s Ethical Care Charter, […]

Bringing UNISON’s Pay Up Now! message into the birthplace of our democracy

On 7 April 2018 Surrey County UNISON came to Runnymede with banners held high and a message of hope

Surrey schools in danger of closure

Failure to find sponsors raises questions over academisation process

External Women’s History Events

There are a number of events and exhibitions being run by external organisations to celebrate Women’s History Month in 2018. Here’s a selection which you may be interested in with links to find out more. Information about the various talks and guided tours around Westminster throughout the year to celebrate 100 Years of the Vote […]

Guest blog from Women’s Committee chair Serena Powis

Thoughts on ‘The Winged Wheel Grave of Llandudno’ by Roger N. Bloor

There for You needs you!

UNISON’s welfare charity is holding an election to find six trustees to direct its work

UNISON Southampton District branch tackles violence in schools

Guest blog from UNISON Southampton District Branch Organiser Ben Martin

PASNAS and USS: University staff deserve a decent pension

At University of Southampton, campus trade unions rallied with sympathetic students to protest attacks on staff pension schemes. Although only members of USS scheme are currently on strike as part of UCU’s national industrial action, at this university all staff pensions are under threat and in various stages of consultation. This is why members of […]

Regional Council AGM Sends Message of Solidarity

24 February’s AGM sent a message of support to striking Birmingham Home Carers

Pension consultation underway at the University of Southampton

Support members at the university and sign the petition to help save PASNAS

UNISON saves the pay in Surrey County

A fantastic campaign by members of UNISON’s Surrey County branch has seen staff receive the pay rise they were entitled to. UNISON Members in the Adult Social Care workforce in Surrey County Council don’t seem to hear much positive news about their jobs these days, but February 2018 brought some very good news indeed, and a […]

Student membership – essential cover from day one

As the largest public sector trade union with nearly half a million members working in health care, UNISON is a natural home for nursing and other AHP students. That’s why organisers attend student inductions at universities across the country like the University of Southampton – to talk to the future of the health service and […]

Celebrating 100 years of votes for women

The Reigate and Banstead branch organised a free screening of the film Suffragette to celebrate the centenary