Despite repeated promises that there would be no general election before 2020, Theresa May did another massive u-turn this week and announced that the country will be going to the polls on June 8. She blamed other political parties for her decision because they had the audacity to challenge her on ‘hard Brexit’, which we […]
The Prime Minister has called for a snap General Election to be held on June 8th- just seven weeks away. Am I eligible to vote? You can vote in the referendum if you’re registered and are 18 or over on the day of the vote. You must be one of the following: • A […]
Branches, Regional Committees and Regional Self Organised Group can bid for pots of funding for recruitment and campaigning initiatives.
Linda Elvin and Natalia Sukhram of Canterbury City local government branch are still fairly new to being active in UNISON. They have attended the regional women’s forum for the last couple of years, attended national women’s conference for the first time in February and have completed a number of the courses in the Branch Women’s […]
Meet Julia O’Connell, Branch Women’s Officer for Isle of Wight Local Government. This month we’re celebrating all things women, and what better way that to shine a light on some of our key women activists in the region? Our activists do thousands of different roles- from representing members in hearings, campaigning for equality in the workplace to leading local […]
Meet Cathy Roblin, the Women’s Officer from Southampton District Branch. This month we’re celebrating all things women, and what better way that to shine a light on some of our key women activists in the region? Our activists do thousands of different roles- from representing members in hearings, campaigning for equality in the workplace to leading local recruitment activities. So, […]
Unionlearn (part of the TUC) is currently conducting a short online survey of union reps supporting learning and training in order to get an-to-date picture of their activities. It would be helpful activists from across the region complete the survey. Find out more and take the survey now.
The NHS will last as long as there are folk left with the faith to fight for it | founder of the NHS Aneurin Bevan
This month we’re celebrating all things women, and what better way that to shine a light on some of our key women activists in the region? Our activists do thousands of different roles- from representing members in hearings, campaigning for equality in the workplace to leading local recruitment activities. So, if you are a UNISON member and want to […]
The yearly UNISON AGM is an opportunity to take stock of things. It’s like New Years Eve for the union: an opportunity to think of the changes that the branch has navigated through, to celebrate where reps were able to make a difference, and to look forward to continuing to make that difference. For Gosport […]
The UNISON New Year begins in spring, with AGM season offering an opportunity to reflect on the previous year. But in many ways, any break is artificial. Many of the battles, concerns and issues that our union holds are long standing; in many places, such as Hampshire Health branch, work begun in 2016 will continue […]
Women born in the 1950s who lost out on their state pension when the government made retirement age 65 for both men and women are lobbying MPs later today (Wednesday). The changes introduced in 1995 have affected approximately 2.6m women now in their late 50s and early to mid 60s, who’ve had barely any notice […]