Women’s History Month: Meet our women activists

This month we’re celebrating all things women, and what better way that to shine a light on some of our key women activists in the region? Our activists do thousands of different roles- from representing members in hearings, campaigning for equality in the workplace to leading local recruitment activities. So, if you are a UNISON member and want to […]

Moving forward in to 2017

The yearly UNISON AGM is an opportunity to take stock of things. It’s like New Years Eve for the union: an opportunity to think of the changes that the branch has navigated through, to celebrate where reps were able to make a difference, and to look forward to continuing to make that difference. For Gosport […]

New Year, Same Low Pay

The UNISON New Year begins in spring, with AGM season offering an opportunity to reflect on the previous year. But in many ways, any break is artificial. Many of the battles, concerns and issues that our union holds are long standing; in many places, such as Hampshire Health branch, work begun in 2016 will continue […]

Women pension losers to lobby MPs on International Women’s Day, says UNISON

Women born in the 1950s who lost out on their state pension when the government made retirement age 65 for both men and women are lobbying MPs later today (Wednesday). The changes introduced in 1995 have affected approximately 2.6m women now in their late 50s and early to mid 60s, who’ve had barely any notice […]

International Women’s Day

Let’s make a difference! Make everyday International Women’s Day and do your bit to ensure that the future for girls around the world is bright, equal, safe and rewarding.

Women’s History Month: Elizabeth Garret Anderson

Physician and feminist, Elizabeth Garet Anderson was the first woman to gain a medical qualification in Britain and the first female mayor in England.

Give all councils greater share of business rates to fund social care, says UNISON

All local authorities in England should be allowed to keep a greater share than they do currently of business rates so they can afford to fund social care properly, says UNISON today (Wednesday). The union is urging the government to grant councils better terms along similar lines to a deal agreed earlier this month with […]

Jo Wagstaffe: Young members active in UNISON

Jo is a young member from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police and Justice branch. She is a member of the South East Young Members’ Forum and also sits on National Young Members’ Forum.

Dave Prentis tells conference ‘we will campaign against Trump’

Dave Prentis announces UNISON’s official support for Stop Trump UK as he speaks at the union’s women’s conference in Brighton

European citizens to lobby MPs over right to remain in UK post-Brexit

Nurses, social workers and teaching assistants will be among EU citizens who will today (Monday) lobby MPs over their right to remain in the UK. The lobby is aimed at urging the government to guarantee immediately that these citizens will be able to stay post-Brexit. There are more than three million EU citizens living in […]

Big changes at the 2017 Regional Council AGM

UNISON delegates say ‘Dump Trump’ in message of solidarity to people around the world standing united against the politics of hate

Care firms shamed are just the tip of the iceberg, says UNISON

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy today (Wednesday) named 360 businesses who underpaid 15,520 workers a total of £995,233, with employers in the hairdressing, hospitality and retail sectors the most prolific offenders. As well as recovering arrears for some of the UK’s lowest paid workers, HMRC issued penalties worth around £800,000. For the […]

LGBT History Month: Remembering the gay man who saved 17 million lives

“[Alan Turing] was and is a hero of all time…a man who is a gay icon, who didn’t deny his nature, his being, and for that he suffered. … This is a story that celebrates him, that celebrates outsiders; it celebrates anybody who’s ever felt different and ostracized and ever suffered prejudice.”

East Surrey Hospital- Car Parking Charges

UNISON believes introducing the increase in charges with such a short notice period does not give members and staff ample time to prepare for such a rise.

One Day Without Us

On Monday February 20, to coincide with UN World Day of Social Justice, a migrant group call “One Day without Us” is inviting for 24 hours migrants from inside and outside the European Union, and everyone who supports them, to celebrate the contribution that migrants make to British Society. They are not asking people to […]