‘Not Good Enough!’ say University of Brighton UNISON

UNISON members at University of Brighton weren’t going to let the weather stop them from making their voices heard over pay. After balloting for industrial action in January, the branch joined UCU members on picket lines for 2 days of action on 1 and 2 March.

How we can support the people of Ukraine

Our Regional Secretary writes about the shocking events in Ukraine and how members and branches can offer support and solidarity to the people facing up to war and violence

Russian tankers heading for Kent must be stopped, says UNISON

Staff at Grain LNG against unloading cargoes from the Boris Vilkitsky and Fedor Litke but fear for jobs

Worth More, Need More – Pay More!

UNISON members at Medway Council lobby councillors over pay in the midst of a cost of living crisis

Pay issues prompt University of Brighton strike action

Staff at at the university have voted to strike after a pay offer of just 1.5%

UNISON wins pay increase for Adur and Worthing refuse workers

Following detailed talks, UNISON has secured an agreement that will see wage increases for most staff providing waste services at the council

Jab backdown the right thing to do, but the damage has already been done

These ill-thought-out rules have worsened the staffing crisis hampering the NHS and social care and caused significant upset.

Jab exodus in healthcare is a crisis entirely of the government’s making

It’s nothing short of a tragedy that huge amounts of time and resources have been wasted.

UNISON SE remote working survey outcomes

In late 2021, UNISON South East surveyed key employers to find how they were implementing hybrid and remote working policies. Here’s what we found.

Growing participation in UNISON South East

Since the AGM in 2020, work has been underway to identify barriers to participation with our regional democracy and identify new initiatives to grow activism in our region

Refugees welcome here

The UNISON South East International Relations Committee is asking branches to support organisations involved providing aid and assistance to refugees arriving in the region

Ovo job cuts devastating for staff and worrying for consumers

Concern as hard-working staff anxiously await their fate after energy giant Ovo announces 1,700 UK job losses

Our LGPS divestment campaign continues!

UNISON activists gather in Winchester to protest against continued pension investment in fossil fuels

Making UNISON history – Young Members hold first national Conference

Cardiff City Hall played host to inaugural gathering of Young Members, with a speech from Angela Rayner MP.

Fixed-term workers’ pension U-turn welcomed

Victory for UNISON over University Of Winchester pensions