NJC Pay: Turning anger into Yes votes

Portsmouth rally launches NJC strike ballot campaign

University Of Brighton staff strike over pay

UNISON and UCU members brave the cold to strike over pay freeze

A century of legal wins and justice for workers

Thompsons Solicitors is celebrating 100 years of seeking justice for working people

A visit from our General Secretary

Christina McAnea visited the Isle of Wight as part of Stars in Our Schools 2021 and to celebrate the achievements of the island’s health branch over the last 25 years

University of Brighton staff to strike over pay freeze

UNISON members will walk out for 24 hours and join picket lines after their pay was frozen in 2020

Council and school staff deserve much more than below-inflation offer as strike ballot begins

Ballot papers are being mailed out to 370,000 UNISON members from 1 December and the ballot will run until 14 January 2022

Vote for action on local government pay

Look out for your postal ballot from 1st December

Celebrate Year Of Disabled Workers with us in 2022

We have a huge range of workshops and webinars on Disabled Members’ issues planned for the year.

Schools risk support staff exodus over pay in South East region, warns UNISON

40% of school staff are actively looking for other jobs because of persistent low pay

Getting involved in the union has provided me with a voice

We hear from one of our Young Member activists on why they felt they had to stand up for young workers

18 November is Equal Pay Day 2021

Today marks the day in the year where women effectively, on average, stop earning relative to men because of the gender pay gap

UNISON demonstrates for Divestment outside Hampshire County Council office

UNISON Demonstrates for Divestment!

Members of Hampshire County and Winchester District UNISON branches came together with a number of local organisations to call for the Hampshire Pension Scheme to divest from fossil fuel investments

Local government workers vote overwhelmingly to reject pay offer

Result prompts consultative ballot on industrial action

Image of globe heating

There’s no retirement on a burning planet

As part of Green UNISON week, our members have been lobbying the Hampshire Pension fund to divest from fossil fuels and for increased accountability

Equality SE logo

Hybrid and home working: Ensuring an inclusive approach

Take part in our survey on home and hybrid working – is it working for you?