Our young members are stronger together

The region’s Young Members are coming together after the toughest 18 months of their lives

Vote for better pay for schools and council workers

Vote now in our consultation on NJC Local Government pay

UNISON stall at Ventnor Day 2021

UNISON celebrates Ventnor Day

On 14 August 2021 UNISON representatives joined the community festivities on the Isle of Wight

Your union, helping you with your NHS pension

UNISON is asking for the government to provide a decent pay rise to all NHS staff. We’re pushing for a £2000 pay increase for all employees, regardless of their role. But there’s another aspect to pay that easy to overlook – pensions. Although you pay a percentage of your earnings into the scheme and this […]

Fair pay logo

NJC pay: 1.75% is still not good enough

When local government employers met earlier this week to issue their revised pay offer of 1.75% – an increase of 0.25% that UNISON regards as ‘insignificant’ – they did so against a backdrop of growing discontent over a proposed increase that fails to reflect the hard work and sacrifices made by council and school workers […]

HE Pay: time running out to vote!

If you work in higher education, it’s likely that UNISON has asked you to vote in an industrial action ballot. This is because for the 2020/21 pay offer, the employers rewarded your hard work during the pandemic with a pay freeze. You can find out more about the ballot on our website, but we asked […]

Environment Agency pay consultation now open

Negotiations with the Agency over 2021 have been conducted by the 4 recognised trade unions, UNISON, Prospect, GMB and Unite and we are now balloting you on whether you want to accept the offer that has been made. The Agency offer this year is delivering the pay freeze that the UK Government has announced for […]

Health workers concerned at continued govt. stalling on NHS pay

UNISON Head of Health Sara Gorton says it’s more than 100 days since staff were due rise

Nearly one in five children in key worker households in the South East live in poverty

This information first appeared on the TUC website

Standing shoulder to shoulder with our Black colleagues

UNISON condemns the vile online racism towards the England football team

Still There For You during these difficult and challenging times

At the start of the pandemic, UNISON’S There for You charity set up our Covid-19 response fund to support members during this unique and challenging time. One year on, the fund is still helping members who have faced uncertainty and hardship. During these difficult and uncertain times, you may find yourself in need of a […]

All eyes on the PM as NHS members await a real pay rise

NHS birthdayHealth branches across the region stepped up their campaign to another level last week, during the most recent ‘2 days for £2K’. The June events marked 300 days since UNISON first lodged their £2K pay claim for all NHS staff, and it is now likely that the Pay Review Body’s recommendation is sitting on […]

Conference commits to rebuild after Covid

UNISON held it’s first virtual Special Delegate Conference, celebrating the importance of public service workers during Covid

Our schools are being stolen. Are you angry yet?

Guest blog from Corinna Edwards-Colledge, joint branch secretary of Brighton & Hove UNISON

Views needed on training for nurses and midwives

Training our nurses and midwives – your views needed!

The Nursing & Midwifery Council is seeking views on how nurses and midwives are trained. This is a good opportunity for UNISON members in nursing and midwifery roles to get your views heard on pre-registration education and training in your profession. Your opinions really count, whether you’re a registered nurse or midwife already, or a […]