Raising the State Pension Age

The government announced on 19 July that they are planning to increase the State Pension Age from 67 to 68 for people between the ages of 39 and 46. This is likely to have a direct negative impact on the Local Government Pension Scheme and all other public service schemes. Members in this age group, […]

Pay Up Now: We need all UNISON members involved

It may now be August and summer is well under way, but for our major pay campaign – Pay Up Now – it’s still full steam ahead. We’re fighting for all public sector workers to get the pay rise you need and deserve, so there won’t be any let up in the campaign until the […]

UNISON SE at the National Pensioners Convention Parliament

A report from our representative at the annual NPC Parliament

UNISON in Court of Appeal victory over employers who fail to consult unions

UNISON has won a landmark court victory today (Friday) that makes it much harder for employers to ignore staff when making major changes in the workplace. The Court of Appeal ruling means that for the first time employers will be obliged to consult with unions around any workplace issues that affect their members. Until now, […]

Home care: Low paid workers told to wait for back pay

Government move a ‘cruel blow’ to carers denied the minimum wage for sleep-ins

UNISON’s tribunal fee verdict is a victory for everyone in work

Employment tribunal fees scrapped after four year battle by UNISON

The ABC of helping others

The Basingstoke food bank was set up in 2012 and gave out 2,869 emergency 3 day food supplies to people in crisis during 2016.

Care companies must pay back pay to staff who do sleep-ins, says UNISON

Charities and care companies that have paid staff one-off payments for overnight sleep-ins should not be exempt from paying the national minimum wage, says UNISON. Claims for back pay could cost the sector £400m according to Mencap. UNISON believes care workers should be paid at least the minimum wage for work they have already done […]

Help stop the sale of NHS Professionals

UNISON backs We Own It campaign against sell-off – you can help by signing the petition and urging your MP to back the Early Day Motion 152

Not just remembering our roots: Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival 2017

If your batteries need recharging – go to Tolpuddle!

Unions submit pay claim on behalf of over 30,000 police staff

The UK’s three largest unions have submitted a pay claim on behalf of the 32,000 police staff they represent in England and Wales. UNISON, UNITE and GMB have put in a claim for a 5% or £1,000 increase – whichever is greater – for all police staff. It also includes a 5% increase to the […]

UNISON Sounds Warning Over Council Change Programme

The programme aims to deliver savings of £4.5m, mainly through the loss of up to 150 jobs.

Proud to be in UNISON: Delegates talk about NDC 2017

National Delegate Conference (NDC17) is UNISON’s annual ‘parliament,’ bringing together delegates from across the union to decide the union’s policies and priorities. For delegates across UNISON, it is a chance to meet like minded reps and debate the issues that matter, to get a greater understanding of the work we do and a sense of […]

Surrey Heartlands devolution plans must not be rushed through, says UNISON

Surrey Heartlands must consult openly with the public and staff over their plans to reform health and social care services, says UNISON. The NHS and council leaders in Surrey last month signed a pledge towards a health devolution deal – the second in the country of its kind after Greater Manchester. The agreement will involve greater accountability locally over how […]

Marching to end austerity

We came in our thousands to London with a simple message for Theresa May